Lily of The Valley (Convallaria)

Lily of The Valley, (real name: Convallaria), is the only convallaria species in the Ruscaceae family and is native to woodlands in the Northern Hemisphere.
Christian legend suggests that at the crucifixion of Christ, Mary’s tears fell to the ground and turned into lily of the valley – hence lily of the valley is known as ‘Mary’s Tears’ or ‘Our Lady’s Tears’. Other common names for convallaria lily of the valley are: May Lily, May Bells, Ladder to Heaven, Male Lily and Lily Constancy.
Lily of The Valley was the national emblem of old Yugoslavia and was adopted as the national flower of Finland in 1967.
Convallaria Lily of The Valley has been used in herbalism in past years with the belief that it improved memory. As most parts of lily of the valley are poisonous this practice is not advised!
These days lily of the valley is available as cut flower on the wholesale flower markets all year round. It is usually sold in wraps of 25 stems and tends to be very expensive compared with other small flowers. It is very scented and the main use is in wedding flowers and bouquets.
In 2011 Lily of the Valley was made famous for it's inclusion in Kate Middleton's wedding flower bouquet.
Please note that Lily of The Valley has a very short vase life and should not be depended upon for any longer than the intended day of use.
Please read our care instructions below carefully as lily of the valley is conditioned very differently to most other cut flowers.
You can buy wholesale lily of the valley on our Web-Shop by clicking here.
General Availability Chart
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
To get the best from your wholesale cut lily of the valley please read the care instructions below carefully:
Conditioning for Lily of the Valley with a root ball
- On receipt, leave the white packaging paper around the flowers and leaves - expose the root ball & place in a shallow bucket of water. Before use, cut stems from root ball.
Conditioning for Lily of the Valley without a root ball
- On receipt, leave the white packaging paper around the flowers and leaves
- Cut approx. 2cm diagonally from the bottom of the stems
- Place in a bucket of clean shallow water until required
Top Tip !
When making a bridal bouquet - to give extra support to the stems & flowers, externally wire with florists silver rose wire. Always leave any bouquet or arrangement that includes Lily of the Valley until the last minute.
Never leave cut flowers in direct sun light, near a radiator, in a draft or near fruit. (The gas used to ripen fruit will harm most flowers). Keep the lily of the valley in a cool place and always keep out of the way of children.
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