Carnation Spray

Spray Carnations are multi headed miniature dianthus carnations.

As with single headed Standard Carnations, they are famous for their long vase life and reliability. Spray Carnations belong to the Caryophyllaceae (pink) family and usually have between 4 and 6 flowers per stem.

Learn more about fresh cut Spray Carnations here.

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Limited spray carnation selection due to new 2024 Brexit/Customs rules. We hope this situation is temporary.

£0.62 per stem (ex VAT)

Order today for delivery 09 May to 11 May

bunches of 10 stems

£0.62 per stem (ex VAT)

Order today for delivery 09 May to 11 May

bunches of 10 stems

£0.62 per stem (ex VAT)

Order today for delivery 09 May to 11 May

bunches of 10 stems

£0.49 per stem (ex VAT)

Order today for delivery 09 May to 11 May

bunches of 10 stems

£0.62 per stem (ex VAT)

Order today for delivery 09 May to 11 May

bunches of 10 stems

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