How to Make a Wedding Hand-tied Bouquet


This beautiful wedding bouquet epitomises grace and feminity. The perfect colour for romance and emotion. This is for the bride that is very keen to be colour co-ordinated. It's textured design would suit a more simple wedding gown, as an intricate and detailed dress may be too busy with this bouquet. 

In this bouquet you will need:

- Syringa (lilacs)

- Freesia Blue Moon

- Lisianthus Corelli Lavender

- Stocks Lavender (lilac) 

- Rose Earl Grey

- Satin Ribbbon 25mm Cream

- Pearl Headed Pins Lilac

- Anchor Tape 12mm

- Scissors

Top Tips

  1. The bouquet can be used as a table arrangement after the ceremony on the top table or on a guest table. 

  2. Can be made the day before the event and stored in a bucket of water overnight. Keep the stems long and finish the handle on the morning of the wedding. 
  3. Can be made in any colour scheme for your wedding or event.