How to Get an Estimate
Are you looking to Order Wholesale Fresh Flowers for an upcoming wedding or event? We are happy to provide you with a free No Obligation Estimate. The estimates are designed to provide you with an idea of the prices of Fresh Flowers, Foliage and Accessories at different times of the year.
1. Add products to your wishlist
Use the Wishlist to Add Products to your Estimate.
2. Request an estimate
Once you are happy with your Wishlist, Click ‘Get an Estimate’ at the bottom of the List.
3. Receive your estimate
One of our specialist advisers will contact you within 10 working days with your requested information.
1. Add products to your wishlist
Use the Wishlist to Add Products to your Estimate.
Once you are happy with your Wishlist, Click ‘Get an Estimate’ at the bottom of the List.
3. Receive your estimate
One of our specialist advisers will contact you within 10 working days with your requested information.
Use the search box below
or browse our most popular categories.
FAQs about estimates
We are unable to guarantee the availability of flower varieties at the auctions. Our estimates are based on previous years in the industry. There are varying factors why flowers may not be available or may increase /decrease in price. Eg. seasons, peak periods i.e. Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Easter and weather conditions effecting the crop.
Without knowing the type of arrangements, style or theme, containers and measurements, it is very difficult for our experts to judge whether you have chosen sufficient quantities and opted for the right type of flowers. Before inputting your estimate, please ensure to provide us with as much information as possible to help us help you. Alternatively, you can contact us directly on 01394 385 832 to speak to our experts over the telephone.
If your event is within 10 working days, please use the prices published on our site as a guide. Estimates are designed to help customers with future events - this meaning a few weeks, months or years in the future.